"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Blocking Day

Hello friends,
Today it snowed in West Michigan.  I was at the pharmacy picking up some prescriptions this afternoon.  There is a pick-up window directly behind the counter.  Suddenly the woman in front of me gasped and we all looked outside.  SNOW!  What!  It has been wet, snowy, and cold for the last couple days. Ugh!  I have noticed in my travels around town that there are some daffodils and forsythia blooming.....just not at my house.   Not a single flower here.  I don't have much of a green thumb.   I will get some hanging baskets and fill some planters in a few weeks and then it will look better around here.

Sorry, I have no Spring flower pictures for you like the other blogs do.  Let's look at some knitting pictures instead.  I decided it was past time to block some of my finished projects.  I don't like weaving in ends, and I don't like blocking.  After a while I just force myself to have a "finishing day".

The blue scarf is Saroyan by Liz Abinante.
The other two are the Gallatin Scarf by Kris Basta.
You can find both patterns FREE on Ravelry

This is a close up of Saroyan.  I wanted to try to get a picture of the leaves around the edge..  I really need to find a better way to take pictures.  I used Hubby's phone and I think I need to use a better camera.   The colors in the first picture are more accurate.

This is a bit closer look at Gallitan.

Everything I have blocked in the past has just been gently washed and laid out and patted into shape.  I don't have blocking wires or T-pins.  These scarves could have used some pinning I think. They aren't like a real fine lace with lots of points though, so I think they will look ok.

This is the All-In-One Baby Top by Mariana Mel.  It is knit top down, and is very easy.
It is FREE and you can find it on Ravelry.
I haven't sewn buttons on yet.  Which is better?  Green? Or Aqua?  Or both?
Here is a picture of the rainbow that appeared in my little community this morning.  (credit: Dion Strumpo)

It looks like this is where the rainbow ends....who knew?

I am heading out for dinner with two of my best friends ( former co-workers).  I have been starving all day so I can eat at a wonderful Italian place.  Yum!  Pasta is my favorite!

Til next time


  1. I have never seen both ends of a rainbow. It's beautiful !

  2. I love all of your finishes. I put off blocking too until I just have to see something completely finished. The rainbow is lovely and I think everyone is sick, sick, sick of winter this year. I hope that you soon have spring like weather and flowers.

  3. Your shawls are beautiful. I have Saroyan in my Ravelry library but I must put Gallatin in there too. Hope you had a wonderful evening with friends. Hugs,

  4. That's a beautiful rainbow photo, Sharon. Love those shawls; I just went and got the patterns! Now to check out the baby one. Hope you're having a nice weekend.
