"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Week That Was

It's been a busy week here.  We've had end of school year activities to attend for our granddaughters, soccer games, hubby's new job, and of course never ending yard work.

Our 4th grader participated in Girls On The Run this year.  It is a wonderful program that involves much more than just running.  They train for weeks to run a 5k, but the program also stresses values, positive body image, self esteem, etc.
This is Amber as she reaches the finish line to complete her first 5k!  She is proud of herself for completing a race that was harder than she thought.
Notice she is wearing number 1....every girl running wore number 1 because they all are!

After Amber's race we hustled to Hubby's new job.  He is delivering a weekly local newspaper and shopping ad packets every Saturday.  So off we went to load up with our papers.  This is a motor route and takes about 5 hours to do. I didn't realize when he said he was going to do it that it would involve me too!  It is easier with him driving and me putting the papers in the boxes.  Interestly, I found that I enjoy it.  Our route is in the area where we live, so we get to see what is happening in our neck of the woods, and maybe say hello to a neighbor or two.

We also attended our kindergartener's soccer game and saw her score her first goal ever!  Wish I had gotten a picture but we were all too excited and busy yelling at her to "kick it!".

We have enjoyed a very sunny week, although early in the week it was quite chillly with frost advisories several nights.  My mother's rule was not to plant flowers until Memorial Day because it can freeze here in late May and I've finally learned she was right.  So, I will be planting some flowers this weekend.

The weather was nice enough to take our Little Miss to the park this week.  It is a beautiful park next to a marina.

Here are some views from our walks around the park this week....

I love this view in the winter time.  The trees will all be bare and snow covered and
you can see the church steeple better....looks like a Christmas card then.

Two turtles sunning themselves

The swans came right up to the shore where we were standing...did not seem afraid of us.  I wonder if people have been feeding them?

And to wrap up the week I finally saw a podiatrist about my painful right foot.  I'm almost sorry I did.  I found out I have arthritis in that foot and other than the things I am already doing, my next step is surgery to fix the bunion, and bone graft several joints in the midfoot area, and I think he also mentioned some screws somewhere.  This would require at least 6 weeks with no weight bearing, and then more months of healing.  I am considering doing it in the fall, with perhaps trying a cortisone shot in the meantime.  
I don't like the idea of this surgery, sounds quite extensive.  I was happier before I knew all this.  I am getting more and more limited in how much walking I can do so I think I must put my big girl panties on and deal with it.

Have any of you had any type of foot surgery?  Bunions corrected?  What was your outcome?  Are you better now than before surgery?

Thanks for stopping by to visit.  Have a wonderful, safe Memorial Day weekend.

Til next time,


  1. Yikes what news about your foot! I would try the shot first. It sounds like you have had a great week, happy weekend.

    1. I think I will try a cortisone shot. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

  2. never had foot surgery so don't know anything about it. Love the photos of the grands. You live in a very pretty part of the world. We had frost Friday night into Saturday morning here in Southern Ontario.

    1. Thanks Gill. I think its a great place to live.....except for the cold weather!

  3. The lake photos are lovely. I am always amazed at how beautiful this country can be no matter how much I see of it. And your granddaughters are darling.

    1. I'm glad you stopped to visit Olga. It is beautiful here....lots of lakes, big and small.

  4. I never have had foot surgery although about 4 years ago I could barely walk with canes and had to go up and down our stairs on my bottom. Two doctors recommended fusing bones and putting screws in both of my feet. I asked for a third opinion, he tried cortisone shots which didn't help but said he wouldn't recommend the above mentioned surgeries. He asked me to consider an experimental laser surgery. Meanwhile a friend had gone to an acupuncturist for her back and had good results. Mind you, I've never really believed in acupuncture, chiropractic stuff, etc. I finally tried acupuncture as a last resort. My feet were so bad that I had to have 3 treatments before I noticed a difference. After 10 treatments they were 90% better and now I walk about 4 miles a day in the summertime with NO PAIN. The acupuncture doesn't hurt at all, in fact it's so relaxing I fall asleep during it and I never nap during the day. It's worth a try, just get a good one. I hope it helps you if you decide to try it. Now I go once a month just to keep the pain gone and get some relaxing "me" time.

    1. Betsy, thank you for the suggestion. I wonder if my insurance will cover acupuncture? I am going to look into it. There is definitely no going back after surgery.

  5. I have a terrible bunion on one foot and a lot of pain in that foot. I would love to have surgery, but frankly, I don't have that much time to stay off my feet and like you, I want assurance that it would be worth it. My husband has had surgery on one foot to replace a deteriorating toe joint and it wasn't very successful, which also makes me hesitant. I guess I'll just continue to bear it for now and take an occasional Aleve.
    I'm envious of the beautiful part of the country you live in. Here in Texas we're having so much flooding. All of our lakes and streams are a very muddy brown right now! After several years of drought, I'm very thankful for the rain, but now I'm wishing for a few sunny days in our forecast.

    1. Hello Glenda, I'm so glad you stopped by. The flooding sounds aweful. Summers here are wonderful....winter is another story. Thanks for your comments about foot surgery. Its definitely something to consider very carefully.

  6. I have a lot of foot problems too. My right foot has a spur and it bothers me some. My left foot also has some sort of bone spur in top. I saw a podiatrist in December. It was very helpful. She said surgery or live with it. I take Advil to help the inflammation. Also she recommeded orthopedics which she ordered to the tune of 350. I was sceptical but actually they have corrected my pronating.
    Good luck with the decision. I hate stuff like that.

    1. Hi Christina. Thanks for your comments. I get the feeling that my options are surgery or live with it too. I also got orthotics which I don't think have made a difference yet. One day at a time I guess. Take care.

  7. I am supposed to have surgery in both my feet, I actually have an appointment this afternoon at the clinic, after having had XRays. I am scared though and wonder too if I can leave the procedure till I am retired... XXX

    1. Good luck with your appointment. It is scary isn't it? I am not concerned so much about the actual surgery.....but I am concerned about the long recovery and the possibility of a disappointing outcome.

  8. Eeek! That surgery sounds awful. I have pains in my feet - what I assume is the beginnings of arhtritis. Almost every joint is sore and my finger joints are swollen and starting to twist. Thankfully I'm not at the stage - and won't be for a long time I hope - to have surgery.
