"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I've taken a little break from blogging.  I have been trying to reduce my time on the computer (or phone).  I've decided that I like it this way.  I want to spend my time living my life not documenting it.  I am going to shut down the blog, for the time being anyway.  It has been a fun experience and I've "met" some very nice people. 

I'm not leaving totally...I will still be reading blogs and commenting from time to time.  

Take care everyone...Peace 


  1. Bless, you, I do believe I'm about to follow suit

  2. You'll be missed. I agree though the phone, especially, seems to take over people's lives.

  3. Thank you for letting us know your thoughts Marilyn, rather than just disappearing! I hope that you enjoy whatever you get up to!!! xx

  4. You have to do what's right for you. It was lovely to 'meet' you xx

  5. Yes, I wonder many times whether to keep on blogging or just keep on living.

  6. I always enjoy your slice of life. Maybe find a different reason for blogging. It's good for creativity?, good to just journal?
    I don't think of blogging as something that has to be done, I just like the process. My daughter, who's the librarian, said, blogging or writing is good for our older ,ahem, brain cells. So, I guess I'll keep at it. Again, I like what you've written especially since the area you live in is so different from California . I learned some new things!

  7. Take a break. We will welcome you back whenever

  8. Best of luck Marilyn.

  9. Take care too but I know you won't be a stranger because you'll read our blogs; if we don't shut them down as well that is. Blogging is certainly time-consuming. It comes to me in spurts but I don't feel obliged to write either. You're welcome to write a little post on my blog anytime if you wish ! xoxo
