"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July and Other Stuff

The last week or so seems to have flown by.

First of all, a medical update....
For those who asked, the cat seems to be back to normal.  We have struggled all week to get liquid antibiotics into him.  Thankfully, today is the last dose.
My son is now on antibiotics for strep.  The granddaughters are feeling better and so far Hubby and I haven't gotten it.

We went to the zoo with all 3 granddaughters one day last week.  We saw tigers....my favorite.  I'm a cat lover no matter what size.

We saw flamingos.  To a two year old these are "pink turkeys."  We have wild turkeys that wander into our yard once in a while so thats what they looked like to her.  She talked about them the rest of the day.  I think she was very impressed that they are pink which is her favorite color of course.

Our granddaughters rode a camel.  Doesn't he/she have a sweet face?  I got a picture of them riding but it was too blurry to post.

On Friday I went to an Arts and Crafts Festival with my DIL and 2 granddaughters.  It was perfect weather.  I didn't buy anything except a balloon yo-yo for each of the girls.  There were so many nice things but I always think the prices are terribly high or "I can make it myself".  Now, chances are I will never actually make it though.

We cooked out on the 4th.  The weather cooperated and it was a beautiful day.  No, we did not do any fireworks in case you wondered.  We didn't even have any sparklers for the girls.  I think fireworks are rather dangerous and the 6 year old has been very afraid of fireworks in the past.

Here's Little Miss Six eating strawberry shortcake without the strawberries.  Who doesn't like strawberries!?  This girl!

The day wasn't without a mishap.  When Hubby went to hang the bunting on the fence wasps came swarming out of the birdhouse!  They stung him 3 times.  I haven't seen him run that fast in many years!
After dousing the birdhouse a couple times with wasp killer all was fine.  We did keep the girls away from that part of the yard though.

Everyone left in time to make it to fireworks and Hubby and I decided to spend a quiet evening at home instead.

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th if you are in the USA.  If you are elsewhere I hope you had a great weekend.

Til next time,


  1. We just learned in Scientific American that via DNA flamingos are related to pigeons. Weird, huh? Sounds like you had a nice 4th! Ours was good but little Stella was sick and still is. Worrisome. Now we're off to go for a walk. happy Sunday!

  2. Loved your pictures of the trip to the zoo and I'm happy that so far you and your a hubby haven't gotten sick...although the poor man has to deal with bee stings. Sad. We had a quiet day yesterday. Grilled hamburgers with another couple and then home to watch "The Capital 4th" on PBS. This silly pacemaker waiting game has sidelined me from the lake for a week or two. Apparently they don't want me that far from the hospital. I haven't missed a 4th of July at the lake for years. It seemed strange to be home. Glad you had a good day.

  3. I loved your zoo pictures. Sounds as though you had an all-American 4th. I did too.

  4. I too love all cats big and small..and even hairless.
    Your family time is so precious I love your photos
    I love the Capitol 4th too.
    We were too exhausted from driving from the coast and then flying home to go to the fireworks

  5. I would have been terrified of those wasps .. I like the way Americans celebrate the 4th of July. Here in France, there is the big military parade in Paris and some little balls on the street the day before but people don't do anything at home. For the French, it's just a chance to get a day off ! xxx

  6. Sounds like you had a really good weekend. We also had a BBQ on the 4th but not for Independence Day. Not for any particular reason really. That's horrible about your husband being stung by wasps. We keep bees - well, my husband keeps bees! - they don't like me. When I tried to work with them I got stung 18 times. It wasn't much fun!
