"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Best Day of the Week

Today was my knitting group.  We meet at a local book store/café.  It is a day that I always look forward to.  It is so much fun to see the projects of others and to ask advice if needed.  Knitters understand each other.  No one understands the pain and frustration of frogging a project that just isn't working out the way another knitter does.  We always spend the time chatting up a storm too.  This group is so much fun it almost feels guilty!  2 uninterrupted hours to knit, a chai latte, and the company of friends....a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Hubby is away at a State bowling tournament today and tomorrow.  That left me to spend some quality time with granddaughter Marley.  She is 5 & 3/4 and she will be sure to tell you that.  My daughter and son-in-law were both working this evening so I picked Marley up about 4:30pm and we went to see the baby chicks at the local farm store. We live in a small town.....that's pretty exciting for us, lol.

Then home to make spaghetti, Marley's favorite meal.  She has had a rough week with a bad cough that has made it hard for her, and her mom, to get a good night's sleep.   Wednesday she spent the night vomiting and was home from school Thursday and Friday.  So we spent a quiet evening playing cards and dolls and watching a movie.  How many times can a 5 year old watch Frozen anyway?!

It looks like the snow is finally melting here in West Michigan.  Welcome Spring!
This is directly off the deck

and this is the rest of the yard that you see off to the right in the picture above
  That really worked! I can post pictures from my tablet.  Easy peasy!  The only problem is I had to use Hubby's phone.  I do not have data on my phone right now.  Our contract is up next month and we are going to make some changes.  I need a phone with a good camera and I need data.  I also want a large screen display.  I would love to hear your suggestions and experiences.....what kind of phone do you have?


  1. Fun times with your Granddaughter. I wish mine lived closer. Two are over 350 miles away and the other is in Washington DC. I miss them so much and feel very blessed to have Facetime. I use my iPhone for photos and upload the pictures to a draft post on blogger. Then I use my iPad to write the actual post. (Bigger keyboard for old eyes.) lol I'm not a very good photographer as you can tell by my blog, but it's the best I can do.

  2. I know how lucky I am to have all 3 of my granddaughters living nearby. I see them all at least a couple times a week. I'm glad you can Facetime to keep in touch with yours.
